about us

Company Name:Pratima Infotech
Owner:Pratima Pail.
Established In:2017
Contact No:8554001633
Email :pratimapatil146@gmail.com


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Nullam at sem non enim aliquam ultrices non quis magna. In interdum interdum magna vitae accumsan. Etiam turpis tortor, malesuada vitae metus non, pharetra auctor mi. Pellentesque tincidunt enim vitae tincidunt euismod. Integer id ex enim. Nullam euismod efficitur libero quis interdum.

Phasellus porttitor tempus nibh, id luctus nibh porta ac. Nunc sed metus est. Proin ut nisi metus. Duis consectetur purus iaculis ornare suscipit.

our Services

Static Website Designing:

Designing a static website is the simplest way to platform your products, services and information in an efficient way. It is a cost effective form of advertising your products online. A static website is quite appropriate where updating the products or services is not necessary. Static web designs are ideal for downloading images, brochures etc.

Dynamic Website Designing:
Dynamic Web page is a web page that changes as per the requirements provided by the user or the computer program. It displays varied contents each time the page is viewed. The page may change with time or as per the user who uses the site. There are two types of dynamic web pages viz. Client side scripting , that generates client side content at the user end .Server side scripting are those web pages that vary when the web page is loaded or visited like that of shopping carts, submission forms etc. Dynamic web site enables to update the information frequently.

  • contact us

    Name:Pratima Ravindra Patil.

    Contact No:8554001633

